With music, performances, djs, exhibitions and more
ARTONOV celebrates its 10 edition from 26 September and 13 October with plenty of activities. This year music and architecture are the main focus of the programme open to all kind of disciplines. The festival will be spread in different locations around Brussels including the Horta Museum, Vanhaerents Art Collection, Hotel Max Hallet, Pavillon of Human Passions, the Rogier Metro Station and of course the ARTONOV Lab.
Alter Ego. Akaji Maro / Eric-Maria Couturier
26/09 18h30, 20H30
Vanhaerents Art Collection
Le Nouve Musiche. Nicolas Achten
04/10 18h00, 20H00
Horta Museum
Le Retour du Capitaine Nemo. François Schiten / Benoït Peeters
07/10 19H30
Centre Culturel d'Uccle
Discover the full programme here.