A groovy r&b song about exploring a blooming relationship
Celenges is a 23-year-old independent multidisciplinary artist from Brussels with roots tracing back to Lubumbashi, Congo. With a dynamic range of talents encompassing singing, dancing, writing, producing, and acting, Celenges exudes artistic prowess.
Celenges opens a new era with his soulful new single ‘Baby’, out today. The song, produced by H.Solo & Daring, announces the singer’s musical return with a cool r&b groove, sweet harmonies and captivating lyrics .
"Baby, is an innocent love song, about exploring a blooming relationship. It’s about navigating all those new feelings that come with falling in love with a person without any taboo attached to it. I think it’s something that people want to see and it’s something that people can definitely relate to", he said.
Celenges’ upcoming mixtape was mostly recorded in Madrid, Spain over the course of 8 months where he worked with several producers but also in Brussels, to achieve a cohesive sound & style. Find out more here.
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